Morgan & Morgan’s Recent Verdicts

John Morgan, founder of Morgan & Morgan
Morgan & Morgan has more lawyers than any other injury firm in the world, and they fight for fair results. Founded by Irish Legal 100 member John Morgan – Pennsylvania and New Jersey offices’ managing partner Clancy Boylan is also an Irish Legal 100 member – Morgan & Morgan has highlighted some of its recent verdicts.
Truck Accident: California
[October, 2023] A Northern California couple were traveling on State Route 120 approaching a T-intersection when a dump truck, weighing 7 tons, failed to yield and crashed into their vehicle. The driver of the vehicle passed away upon impact and the passenger was placed in a medically-induced coma for a period of 4 days. Unfortunately, all efforts to save him failed and he succumbed to his injuries. Using the California Time-Limited Demand Statute, Morgan & Morgan attorneys secured a $5M settlement for the family.
Auto Accident: Florida
[January 8, 2024] Cemran Biricik was driving down an expressway in Broward County, FL when she was rear-ended. The accident caused painful and permanent injuries to her neck and lower back, requiring extensive treatment and surgery. Morgan & Morgan attorneys secured a verdict of $2,668,625 with the highest pretrial offer at just $200,000.
Auto Accident: Massachusetts
[January 22, 2024] Enriquo Domingo was riding his motorcycle on a Sunday morning when a limousine violated his right of way and threw him off his bike. The crash caused several injuries, including a fractured tibia, seven broken ribs, and a collapsed lung. It necessitated two knee surgeries. Morgan & Morgan secured a $1,750,000 verdict for Enriquo.
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